Coaching & Consulting
Emmanuelle C.
With a big smile and energy,
Emmanuelle welcomes you
and your projects,
and together you move forward
to the achievement of your goals,
through consulting
or coaching missions,
or by combining the two.
And a bit of Magic
...that’s the EFM Touch
I provide support to companies and individuals to navigate through the complexity of today’s world and make the most of the human being power & magic to achieve professional and personal goals
‘Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier’. Mother Teresa.
Contact us
“ I will provide YOU support so that you find YOUR solutions and YOU get into action”
I have provided support to companies for 25 years, being consultant, project manager, coordinator, manager, …, in the IT industry.
What has always thrilled me in these positions was to create relationships and work in collaboration, try and help my team members or colleagues to evolve and reach out to what they wanted to. My jobs were all about human beings and relationships. Then around project topics, change management, etc, but at the very basis a matter of people.
In the last position I had I felt I wasn’t as close as I wanted from making a difference in people lives. I started mentoring a couple of people, pro bono, outside working hours, and had a blast.
Because what matters to me is who we are, at our very core, and how to make our own life what we really desire it to be. Being supported by a coach is something that will make you achieve what you want and achieve it faster.
That’s why I became a coach.
Why a specialization for gifted and highly sensitive people? Simply because I have the chance to be gifted and highly sensitive, and it is so much easier for gifted and highly sensitive people to work with a gifted and highly sensitive coach: the understanding is immediate, I know your operating system :-) and how to go through and overcome impediments to free your potential and live the life you want while being happy to be yourself.
My purpose is to contribute to the development, whether personal or professional, of my fellow human beings by accompanying them in the discovery and realization of their talents.
“ Work is love made visible”. This quote from the well-known poet, Khalil Gibran, makes a lot of sense to me. This is what guides me in my work as a coach. This way I can make the most of my three main personal values: contribution, creativity and empathy.
Now I have to confess a quirk: on a daily basis I need to be fueled by interactions with human beings, feelings, personal objectives, sensations, emotions, personal stories, success, change, smile, search for the grail or for something better in one’s life… Without this daily dose I feel like I am all dried up. Which is not enjoyable at all!
So please come and fill my ‘glass’!
Pro or Personal Goal-oriented Coaching
for Gifted / Highly sensitive Individuals.
Want to reach a goal?
Want to reach it faster?
Need to clarify where you want to go?
Want to overcome a fear or a block?
Want to be accompanied and boosted?
In a few sessions, you drive change and put it into action.
You leave full of your resources and autonomous.
Come take a first booster shot
30 minutes offered .
A complete program, with in-depth work and long-term results. After a few months a real transformation.
Your relationships are unsatisfying and uncomfortable, you suffer from it and have tried various techniques such as multiplying relationships in the form of a quest, periodic isolation to recover and regain the desire to return there or over-adaptation to give you the illusion of. All this is exhausting and frustrating for you. With the DIAPASON program, you find depth, understanding and harmony in your relationships..
Want to know more? Contact me or make an appointment for a presentation.
A career development in mind?
You want to take over?
A positioning to be confirmed?
A need to determine what the next step in a career will be?
These are some examples of topics where coaching will make a difference.
Whether at your request or that of your management, let’s take the time to exchange and validate each other’s objectives. This will determine the number of sessions.
Are you struggling with significant daily fluctuations in productivity? Achieve a more balanced and serene rhythm with our tailored support program.
We will work together to minimize these productivity variations, leading to more consistent, smooth, and efficient days
More info
Active listeming & Presence
Flexibility & Adaptability
Expertise in projets & coordination
At EFM touch we have always had the support and services to others deeply rooted in our DNA. What do we put behind these concepts? Primarily being by your side and allowing you to step back from your day-to-day activities.
We are moving towards solutions to put in place to get ourselves into motion and action. The other aspect is that these solutions are yours, adapted to you, your context and are the ones you want to implement. In a consulting mission too, the solution is yours.
Imaginative, impactful, lucid, sensitive, fast, effective... All these features and more at the service of your projects or goals, whether personal or professional.
Our Last articles

Any coach for gifted adults?

Gifted adults are not to be considered like ‘any other adults but with specificities’; gifted adults are actually wired differently: operating mode, ways of thinking, ways of learning, range of capacities, level of perception, level of energy and intensity, sensitivity, sense of fairness, …
As such they need coaches who understand first what giftedness is, what are the common characteristics and the invariants of the gifted people, the main challenges they face, and what would work to help them express their very own potential. They most often think their current lives are insignificant compared what they feel they could/have the potential to live. The aim is then to provide them the relevant support to kick off and develop these fulfilling lives.
What would be the job of the Gifted Adult Coach? Help them as an introduction to make an assessment of where they are, what is their level of understanding of their giftedness and of the non-gifted people, to continue then with their objective, what they try to achieve, make sure it answers their real, personal needs (and not what they think the others expect from them). Once we are clear with these, we could start mapping out the appropriate path and engage in it.
What is at the end of this process for them? From feelings of weirdness, isolation, misunderstanding, frustration, anger and sometimes breakdown, to feelings of fullness, joy, calm, serenity and alignment. The feeling of being oneself and be glad for it.
Why coaching is particularly suitable for gifted adults? They are quick-to-catch people, fast learner and able to easily understand and integrate complex concepts. And they are eager for discovery. Coaching will allow them to be the most benevolent person towards themselves, to deeply understand, appreciate and accept their talents, abilities, creativity, requirements and needs and to live their lives in their own way.
I heard once someone saying that gifted people come from our future. And our future is a rare and precious thing to take care of. So, let’s favor it!
With Empathy, Focus and Magic: that’s the EFM Touch.

Change me? But no, that’s not the key!

It took me a while to figure it out.
For years and years I wanted to change myself: what I was doing was wrong, what I was saying was wrong, I judged myself very negatively and I wanted AT ALL COSTS not to be me anymore.
And then very recently, I had enlightenment. I realized that I didn’t have to change myself. What I needed to change was my thoughts (if I think I’m zero, chances are I only see the imperfect actions I’m doing, and that this reinforces my thinking), how I perceive myself, and the behaviours that come from it.
I’m fine. I’m a wonderful person, just like the other seven billion human beings on this planet. I am worthy to be loved and I love myself as I am. And the behaviours that I don’t like about myself, I analyze them, I try to understand them, to dig into the emotions that it generates, the unmet needs. Once that’s clear, as a result, my behaviours change and my perception of myself changes.
And I find myself even more wonderful, in all benevolence (and humility lol).
With Empathy, Focus and Magic. That’s the EFM Touch.

The 7 steps to succeed in personal development - Auto-coaching

These are the steps it is important to go through one after the other to get a chance to change anything in our behaviour or to achieve our goal.
Straight and simple but efficient!
1 - Clarify and express, in a sentence, with positive words, what you want to achieve.
No way to start to go somewhere if you do not know where you are heading to. Would be a waste of time. The more specific you are, the merrier it is.
2 - Define how you are going to measure your level of satisfaction when you reach your goal (could be an feeling in your body)
Otherwise how would know you have made any progress ?
3 - Identify the best conditions (environment, people, mindset…) for you
At least 3 adjectives representative of what suit you best
4 - List the 3 competencies (soft and hard skills) you can count on to succeed
Your best known strengths, what people always say about you or why they recommend you. Now think about the link between them and your objective
5 -Make your Core Values Top5
What guides your actions, decisions or behaviours ? What makes you leave whenever not satisfied ?To get inspired you can go through this list of 192 core values. Pick up and choose the ones that speak to your heart or resonate in your body
Pick up and choose the ones that speak to your heart or resonate in your body
6 - Beliefs
Write down a limiting belief, the most disturbing one for achieving your objective. And now write down the exact opposite, close your eyes, pronounce it and experience how you feel when doing so. Commit to say it aloud every day for 21 days.
7 - Rephrase and summarise the outcomes of 1 to 6 and commit on a first action, no matter how small
Jot down at least one action and plan it ASAP! Do not wait a single minute to put you in motion. That’s key for any change: keep being in action
Last note: All of this will be effective only if you address them with your inner truth, the closest of your Soul
Avec Empathie, Focus et Magie ; c’est l’EFM Touch
“Coaching sessions with Emmanuelle were of great help. Her active listening and precious attention allowed me to calmly and confidently explain my fears and difficulties at work. Her clear and focused support makes me move quickly on the problems that I was not able to raise, detail and clarify on my own.”
Lucie - 45 years
“I had 4 sessions with Emmanuelle. Benevolent, relevant and with a sharp mind, she very quickly shed light to the psychological blocks I was not aware of. The quality of her coaching allowed me to transcend these blockages and, ultimately, evolve serenely both personally and professionally. In addition, her fine knowledge of the ‘gifted’ profile is a real added value for the people concerned. I will not hesitate to make use of her expertise and know-how again.”
Gwénaëlle - 43 years Nice
“Emmanuelle is very easy to get along with and provides a safe environment for the sessions. Her kindness, thoughtfulness and benevolence made me completely at ease and allowed me to share my thoughts and issues in a completely transparent manner.
She helped me identify patterns in my way of thinking and opening up to myself about my desired career path.
She gently helped me challenge myself and gather the courage to go for my goal.
I like the fact that she takes a holistic view of the topics we discuss together. I believe she had a positive impact on my personal life as well as my professional life.”
Hanane - 28 years
“ With Emmanuelle Coursimault I like what I felt as a great ability to take into account the specificities of each individual to better accompany her/him, with a lot of listening, presence, honesty and kindness.”
Franck - 45 years